Saturday, March 21, 2015

Delusive people

Lately I realize that most of people around me are fake or rather "delusive”. They put on smile on their face and make it look so sincere when actually it’s only a mask. A mask that covers the true personality they have. I don’t understand. Why do people want to be so delusive. After all, we are all human. Shouldn't we just be true to each other.. Life would be easier..

I’ve been through a lot in my life. I’ve been broken way too many times. It just felt like the world is against me. I’ve learned the hard way but yet I’m still too naive to believe these delusive people, or maybe I’m just too stupid to understand the truth. Sometimes, I just feel like this world I'm living in is not for me. There are too many things that are far from my understanding. Its only because I can seek comfort from God so then I can carry on till now. I can be very true to someone, but in the end I got nothing but shit. Yet I’m still acting so foolish. Such a pity to know that these people would rather be delusive and hurt someone to defend their position (or whatever their up to) than to accept the true treatment from other. Stupid me to still being so true to these people.

Well, when part of me feel so irritated, the other part of me is thankful to them. Because of these rather delusive people, I learn to be careful.. to put up the barrier to defend myself in future. Yet I’m still learning to.. because deep down inside my heart.. we all deserve to be treated truly.

* Sign off silently *

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